EA SPORTS FC Mobile has introduced a new Rank Up system. This system helps you improve your Players and adds a personal touch to the new Skills system. In this article, we’ll explore how to rank your Players.

Ranking up Players involves boosting their overall rating (OVR), raising their maximum training level, and earning a Skill Point. When you rank up a Player, their OVR increases by 1. You can rank up a Player up to five times, which means you can upgrade an 80 OVR Player to an 85 OVR Player, for instance.
The OVR of your Players plays a crucial role in increasing your Team OVR. A higher Team OVR has a significant impact on your scoring chances in VS Attack and League vs. League matches.
How to Rank Up Players
To rank up your Players, follow these steps:
Tap one of your Players on the “My Team” page. Then, tap on the “Rank Up” button to initiate the ranking-up process.

On the next page, tap on the duplicate players and then click the “Rank Up” button in the bottom right corner.

Ranking up a Player requires using duplicate versions of that same Player Item. You must use the identical version of the Player for ranking up; typically, you cannot use a Base Player Item to rank up an Event Player Item.
Rank Up | Duplicate(s) Needed |
1 | 1 |
2 | 1 |
3 | 2 |
4 | 5 |
5 | 10 |
If you encounter a message stating that you don’t have any eligible Players, it could be because you either lack a duplicate Player in your inventory or have fully trained your Player.
The Rank Up system also has a probability system. For Rank 3, for example, it requires two duplicates if you want a 100% success rate. You can use just 1 duplicate, but the chance of success is only 50%.
The same goes for Rank 4. You need 5 duplicates for a 100% chance of success. Four duplicates will reduce the chance of success to 80%, three duplicates to 60%, two duplicates to 40%, and one duplicate only give you a 20% chance.
Rank Up | Duplicate(s) | Probability |
1 | 1 | 100% |
2 | 1 | 100% |
3 | 1 2 | 50% 100% |
4 | 1 2 3 4 5 | 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% |
5 | 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 | 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% |
Rank Levels
The rank of a Player is indicated by the color of the gem on the Player Item. This helps you determine at which level a Player has been ranked.
Rank | Color |
1 | ![]() Green |
2 | ![]() Blue |
3 | ![]() Purple |
4 | ![]() Red |
5 | ![]() Orange |
Additionally, the number of ranks your Player has achieved is displayed in the rank-up menu.
You can also buy and sell Ranked Players on the Market! The price of these Ranked Players depends on the number of ranks they have. More ranks translate to a higher price on the Market.
How to Buy Ranked Players
To buy a ranked player from the market, it’s quite simple:
- First, open the Market.
- Find the player you want to purchase.
- Click on the Rank icon located above the player’s profile.
- You’ll see the dropdown prices for Rank 1 through Rank 5. Choose the Rank you want to buy.
- Adjust the buyer’s price in the Purchase Offer section.
- Finally, tap the Purchase button.

Universal Rank Players (URP)
Recently, EA introduced a new way to rank players. They call it Universal Rank Players (URP).
Universal Rank Players are players that can be used as substitutes for duplicate cards. In other words, Universal Rank Players are wildcards.

URPs have different OVRs and functions. It’s possible (and quite likely, in our opinion) that in the future, EA will release new Universal Rank Players with different OVRs and uses from the existing ones.
Here are the Universal Rank Players already released by EA along with their OVRs and uses.
Player | OVR | Use |
GK Dudek | 81 | Rank up 80-89 OVR players |
CDM Mascherano | 91 | Rank up 90-99 OVR players |
We hope you have found this EAS FC Mobile 24: Rank Up guide helpful. Please comment below if you have any questions.
Can I convert an orange untradeable player to tradeable by using an orange tradeable player? Ex. Orange untradeable Messi is upgraded by an orange tradeable Messi.
No, you can’t. Rank 5 (orange) players cannot be upgraded further since they have already reached the maximum rank.
messi isa the goat
Hi I have a red crepreau card and I want to rank him to orange to buy an orange Schmeichel card but I have 4 mascherano cards and the probability is 40% should I rank it or I should get 6 more mascherano cards ?
It’s up to you. Do you want to risk your 4x Mascheranos with a 40% chance of success and a 60% chance of failure, or would you rather get 6 more Mascheranos for a guaranteed 100% chance of success to reach Rank 5 (orange)?
Q1: I ranked up untradeable Lewis Ferguson (Rank 2, from 97 to 99). I bought a Lewis Ferguson, 97. Neither way, I couldn’t see another Ferguson being listed in my Rank Up list, is this a bug?
Q2: My plan is to use the untradeable to be consumed by the tradeable and to sell him. How should I do it?
Remove your untradable Lewis from your Lineups.
Hi. Can I rank up for example I buy tradable red rank Vida with my purple untradable one. Do I need 5 of them then still?
A purple (Rank 3) card is worth 5 pieces. To upgrade a red (Rank 4) card to Rank 5 (gold) with a 100% success rate, you need 10 pieces. So, if you want to upgrade a red Vida card using his purple version, you’ll need 5 more pieces to guarantee the 100% upgrade to Rank 5 (gold). Otherwise, there’s a 50% chance of success or failure.
Can a purple rank of a player rank up the red ranked card of that player to gold?
As I said above, you’ll need 5 more pieces to guarantee the 100% upgrade to Rank 5 (gold). Otherwise, there’s a 50% chance of success or failure.
Bruhh wtf is with probability system its bs. There was 80% chance that my player would rank up but I kinda felt that you guys are f* with us with this probability system my player didn’t get ranked up. You guys just wanna make us to believe in probability and use our universal player without a thought.
jika saat meningkatkan pemain dengan probabilitas 60% gagal, apakah akan berhasil jika dicoba lagi dengan probabilitas sebesar 40%.
Nope. The probabilities don’t add up.
I want player rank transfer
Can this is possible?
Maybe, but it’s unlikely with the current tradable Rank system.
I think they should make it so that if a player is ranked up with ONLY Mascherano can get transferred, example, I get 97 ward prowse, I upgrade him 3 times to 100 so those 3 ranks done by mascheranos can be transferred
The game would be too easy. That’s great for users but not for EA’s profits, so it’s unlikely.
Please can ea make the 50% success rate a actually success as I don’t have much Mascherano
We all don’t, can you guys please make 50% success rate a actual success
Lets say I rank up the urp with another urp to make it a 93 ovr then I use the 93 urp to rank up my 91 ovr kdb, how much will my kdb be ranked up by
Your URP will not appear; it becomes visible when you aim to upgrade a player from Rank 2 to Rank 3.
When you rank up a player bt the probability colour turns red instead of green… What is the issue
Your Rank Up materials are far less than necessary, the chances of failure are higher than success.
I have multiple Dudeks within my deck i currently have 6 but when i click on my keeper to rank up it just says no cards available is there a bug and if so can this please be fixed. also why is every card non tradable i have so many cards within my deck i will not use but not able to sell them. and yeah i could use them for training but it wont then let me rank up. it was so much easier last season to rank up, why make it so hard this season?
Is your goalkeeper 90+ OVR? FYI, Dudek can only be used for Rank Up on players with an OVR of 89 or below.
As for untradable cards, it seems like EA intentionally designed it that way to encourage people to spend money to get coins from tradable players.
Hi, why can’t I raise Yashin’s rank? Mascherano is not suitable, neither is dudek.
Yashin is 91 OVR so you should be able to use Mascherano on him. If you don’t, then there is something wrong.
Dear Admin,
Can we undo rank up player?
And if universal player (mascherano) has been rank up, can it still used to rank up OVR 91+ player?
Thank you
No, at the moment, we can’t undo rank up player. And for the 2nd question, I’m not sure about it as I never do that. It such a waste using Mascherano to Rank Up Maschareno.
Don’t you ever use mascherano to rank up mascherano. All you will do is waste 2 mascherano cards for ranking other 90+ players
if i rank up a 0 rank player with 1 rank player what will happen in fifa mobile
It will become a Rank 2 Player
I have ranked up Hagi 89 ovr to 90 with dudek but after 90 ovr, showing ‘no available players’ Do I have to use mascherano?
No, you have to use Dudek. Make sure you still have a duplicate of him in your inventory.
Is it possible rank up a player that has been trained already?
I have 2 Mascherano URPs. But those URPs not showing to rank up GK Kobel Rank 4 to Rank 5. Rank 3 Dudek URP is showing for the upgrade. Both URPs are not in the line ups.
It is based on their base OVR. GK Kobel is 87 OVR, so only Dudek can be used to upgrade him, even if he’s already Rank 3 (90 OVR) or Rank 4 (91 OVR).
If i add red to red rank up same player is it 40% to go to gold/orange or is it higher?
If red to red, it should be 100% gold. If red to unrank, it should be below 40%. I never done that so I might be wrong though.
I have a red HAGI on 15 training. I just bought another red. Either way, neither card shows up to rank up?? Surely, this is an error, or am I missing something please?
Do you have more than 1 lineup? Make sure you don’t include both (in different lineups).
In order for a card to be visible on the rank up page, it must not be in the lineups.
Thank you!!! Yes, I have 4 lineups, and this now works.
My original player, untradeable, is on 15 training. I can use the new tradeable as the main player and use the untradeable to rank up, meaning I will have a gold tradeable, but will lose all training points so far. How much does it cost to train up to each level? You could add this info to your article, would be very helpful! Thanks again mate.
No problem, glad I can help.
For training costs, you can read it here https://www.fifamobileguide.com/training-xp
You can even use our Training Calculator on that page.
If I rank up one purple werner with another purple werner then will it become a red werner or is it even possible??
Yes, it will 100% become a red Werner because purple requires 5 cards, and red requires 10 cards. Purple (5) + purple (5) = red (10).
Is this proven and tested for real in game, please?
Yeah. You can try it yourself with bronze or silver players if you don’t believe it.
when we ranked up a player we can sell him we higher price but how we can buy ranked up player from market?
Just click on the Rank icon located above the player’s profile in the market, and select the Rank you want to purchase. Then, specify the bid you desire and tap the Purchase button.
I have updated the guide, you may want to re-read it.
How much player rank ups can I use to upgrade my player because it doesn’t let me upgrade my player anymore? I have ranked him up to 30.
Rank 30 not unlocked yet. Please refer to this guide https://www.fifamobileguide.com/training-xp
Hey admin,
I ranked up Mandzukic from 6 to 7 by 100 ovr Event icon Beckham. Now unable to get Prime Icon 100ovr Beckham as 100 ovr Event icon Beckham isn’t showing anymore.
What should I do to find this event icon Beckham?
Please suggest.
Also please tell me, is there any undo ranking up option?
I had ranked up and then upgraded bekham to 100 ovr. Now I am unable to exchange him for prime icon bekham nir I am able to transfer his rank. What should I do
Remove him from all of your lineups
Can we rank up untradable player with the same tradable?
No, you can’t. What you can do is the opposite, you can rank tradable players with the same untradable players.
I have a purple rank 104 jairzinho I want to upgrade to gold rank , so if I buy a red rank jairzinho from the market and combine it with my purple untradeable will it become gold rank or will I need more mascheranos
You need 5 more Mascheranos.
Not at all
I’m in a dilemma here. I want to transfer my rank 3 Vidic onto my rank 2 Zola. Will Vidic then take Zola’s 2 ranks or do they disappear when Zola becomes a rank 3?
it will dissapear
How do I use rare shards? Common shards I’ve used up all but what about rare shards and epic shards?
Rank up your player to 5 and above, and you will need both rare and epic rank shards
Hi, after I ranked up my defence player upto 30, it is not taking the 35th. It is showing no available to consume for an upgrade. Happening in case of defenders for now as I started the 35th with defenders. Am I missing something ?
Is there any way to recover a high value ovr player mistakenly used to rank up another player ….I clicked rank up instead of rank transfer and lost the player.
Unfortunately, there is no way to get your player back.
In my case i rank up instead of rank transfer Beckham my stupid mistake.
Now i can’t continue the Beckham challenge.
oops.. that’s really terrible mistake. I feel sorry for you.
did that last while swaping the kovacic card from the champions league card to tots.
had upgraded it from 85 to 100. i lost ranks and txp only to rank the new card by one.
i feel your pain bro, i was suicidal hahah
Hi admin
I wanted to ask that putting 1 rank is player gives you how many points ?
Like rn my total team point is 916 and I’ve 15 ranks in it , so how many points will be added ? How should I calculate?
5 rank up equal to +1 OVR
I recently came back to fifa mobile after a few months out and I noticed the new rank up system so I got some rank shards to rank one of my players up, but when I click “Rank Up” a message that says “Reach Level 8 to unlock Ranks for players over 80 OVR.” appears. I’m level 40 and I have been searching to what it is referring with level 8 for about 3 weeks now. Does anybody know the solution?
Same problem with me
I have the same problem and cant find the solution
Hi admin,
I made a major mistake on getting 104 UCL Lopez and hes got 10 rank on him. Currently I have a GK with 9 ranks but I’m unable to transfer over the rank to other positions other than GK to GK. Haiz.. just to feedback on this.. and I gonna waste the 9 ranks on him..cause no point i transfering it to another GK position.
Feels bad for you, you should choose a player other than Lopez
I have a rudiger card with rank 5. If I transfer the rank to a card with no ranks, will that card get all the 5 ranks or will it just be rank 1
the card will get all the ranks
Hi Admin,
I think should indicate in the above that the *ranks on GK position can only be transferred over to another GK position.* While other position can transfer ranks over to other position. This is so unfair. And I didn’t knew about this. Going to give up the 9 ranks..
what happens to the rank of the player if he is sold
It will disappear
How much rank shards are needed for ranking up players above 10 rank?
I have added it, please recheck the list
Anyone else lost players when transferring rank? I just lost a 95 ovr player, so about 2.5M training coins, a load of so and rank went from 4 to 1 when transferring.
Me too,
Dear admin,
Do we need to use Mascheranos to rank up a 90 OVR Neuer because it is 90 OVR Neuer or Dudeks because it was originally lower than 90 OVR?
Previously it used Dudek, but it looks like they will (or have) changed it to Mascherano after some users complained about it.
Make sure you have all the requirements needed.
I have a question I have a bout 360 rare rank shards, but they do not appear when I’m trying to upgrade players, what can I do? (Common shards are there, but the rare ones don’t appear
Maybe because your players don’t need it yet. Rare rank shards are required for RU 5 and above. So it’s only visible if you want to do RU 5+.
I have a 93 ovr Mendy (GK) with 0 rank up and a 92 I’ve Handanovic (GK) with 2 rank ups. I want to transfer rank from Handanovic to Mendy but am unable to do so as when I go to the rank transfer screen for for Mendy, there is no option to choose Handanovic for rank transfer. Any comments/tips?
Pull Handanovic out of all your lineups.
It’s till not working I have the same problem
I have 93 ovr mendy(GK) with one rank and 93 ovr kepa (GK) with 2 ranks,it won’t let me transfer rank kepas to mendy. And I tried transfer kepas to sirigu(GK) 81 no ranks and still won’t work
Update your app, there’s a bug on GK Rank Transfer and they fixed it on the latest update.
I ranked up a new player (95 ovr, 0 rank) with an existing player (94 ovr,2 rank) by mistake. I wanted to transfer rank and then train the 95 with the 94. Now I lost the 94 ovr player and stuck at 95 with the new one. Any way to undo this?
I ranked up , but my overall hasn’t increased ?
On FIFA Mobile 19, it needs 3 rank up for 1 OVR increase.
On FIFA Mobile 20, it needs 5 rank ups for 1 ovr increase
What effects do rank ups has on players attributes?
I have a POTM aubamayang with 4 rank ups on him. If I use him in a rank up to rank up 100 base Ronaldo will ronaldo gain the rank ups? I know rank ups transfer when player is used for xp but will rank ups transfer if player is used to rank up another player?
No it doesn’t.. Unfortunately, it will only work (the transfer) if CR7 is not on 100 base.
I Trained my FRED (PRE-SEASON) to 100 OVR. Now he requires his duplicate to rank him up.. how i can find the duplicate of Fred??
Please Help!!
You can buy his gold card on the market (79 OVR)
if i use already ranked up player for ranking up another player … will the rank transfer from original player to new player?
I don’t think so
If Rank Up does not change player attributes then what is the point? Prior to ranking up, my Team OVR is equal to the weighted sum of my player OVRs. The team OVR doesn’t make anyone play any better if it is artificially increased by a rank up, right? It just means I get stuck playing harder opponents who might have the same team OVR but fewer rank ups as part of that. Am I missing something?
Yes, Rank up doesn’t made your players play better. But, if your team OVR is higher than your opponents, then you will get more ‘great chances’ in VSA.
Higher OVR = higher great chances
Lower OVR = lesser great chances and vulnerable to counter attack (if the ovr difference is 5+)
I have used Rank up 17 times so that’s ok. I now have over 250 Rank up tokens – some are Elite and some Master but I can’t see the difference. Is there any?
Master and Legendary tokens are used for Rankup 5 and above
If you are ranking up the player by another player which has ranks already, how will it affect the subject?
the subject will be ranked 1 player. If you wanna transfer the rank up, use non-100 OVR player.
So will it be anyways ranked up by 1, even though the leaving to nowhere player had like 2-3 ranks?
How to transfer the rank from one player to another
because u are not gonna use them and will lose out on the OVR they give cause of the ranks
How do you rank up dele alli or Ronaldo and other players which are so many and they don’t have duplicates ?
You can buy their duplicates on the market and if they don’t have any (like Icons players), then you don’t need it. Icons players for example, doesn’t need duplicates to rank up.
What’s the difference between Player Ranks and Boost Ranks?
Player Ranks = Rank Up Players
Boost Ranks = Rank Up Skill Boosts
thank you bro
Thank you so much it is very useful I cleared my all doubts….thanks a lot!!!