Earn Frozen Gifts from the Starry Night chapter on Football Freeze event and use them for all kinds of rewards listed here.
Frozen Gifts List
Dec 09 | 5,000 Coins +5 Bonus Gifts (Cost: 5) (Limit: 5) | 50 Icon Points +100 Bonus Gifts (Cost: 50) (Limit: 1) | 84+ Freeze Player +45 Bonus Gifts (Cost: 15) (Limit: 2) | 1,000 Training XP (Cost: 25) (Limit: 5) |
Dec 10 | Gold Player +15 Bonus Gifts (Cost: 15) (Limit: 3) | 200,000 Coins +60 Bonus Gifts (Cost: 30) (Limit: 3) | 92 Icons Gattuso +150 Bonus Gifts (Cost: 50) (Limit: 1) | 5 Skill Boosts (Cost: 50) (Limit: 5) |
Dec 11 | 50 TOTW Tokens +50 Bonus Gifts (Cost: 50) (Limit: 2) | 250 Skill Boosts +100 Bonus Gifts (Cost: 50) (Limit: 1) | 15,000 Training XP +6 Bonus Gifts (Cost: 2) (Limit: 5) | 10,000 Coins (Cost: 50) (Limit: 5) |
Dec 12 | 20 Skill Boosts +30 Bonus Gifts (Cost: 30) (Limit: 3) | 4,000 Training XP +6 Bonus Gifts (Cost: 3) (Limit: 5) | 25 TOTW Premium Points +24 Bonus Gifts (Cost: 8) (Limit: 4) | 5,000 Training XP (Cost: 100) (Limit: 3) |
Dec 13 | 2,500 Training XP +10 Bonus Gifts (Cost: 10) (Limit: 5) | 25 TOTW Premium Points +100 Bonus Gifts (Cost: 50) (Limit: 4) | 60 Icon Points +30 Bonus Gifts (Cost: 10) (Limit: 1) | 15 Skill Boosts (Cost: 100) (Limit: 3) |
Dec 14 | 25,000 Training XP +75 Bonus Gifts (Cost: 75) (Limit: 2) | 80+ Elite Player +80 Bonus Gifts (Cost: 40) (Limit: 1) | 1,000 Skill Boosts +105 Bonus Gifts (Cost: 35) (Limit: 1) | 25,000 Coins (Cost: 100) (Limit: 3) |
Dec 15 | 100,000 Coins +75 Bonus Gifts (Cost: 75) (Limit: 2) | 15 Skill Boosts +10 Bonus Gifts (Cost: 5) (Limit: 5) | 91 Immobile UCL +150 Bonus Gifts (Cost: 50) (Limit: 1) | 10 TOTW Tokens (Cost: 50) (Limit: 5) |
Dec 16 | 50 Snowmen Points +25 Bonus Gifts (Cost: 25) (Limit: 2) | 25,000 Training XP +30 Bonus Gifts (Cost: 15) (Limit: 3) | 100,000 Coins +9 Bonus Gifts (Cost: 3) (Limit: 3) | 50 Skill Boosts (Cost: 300) (Limit: 1) |
Dec 17 | 7,500 Training XP +25 Bonus Gifts (Cost: 25) (Limit: 5) | 50,000 Coins +20 Bonus Gifts (Cost: 10) (Limit: 5) | 250 Snowmen Points +9 Bonus Gifts (Cost: 5) (Limit: 2) | 25 Candy Canes (Cost: 150) (Limit: 3) |
Dec 18 | 2,500 Training XP +10 Bonus Gifts (Cost: 10) (Limit: 5) | 100 Skill Boosts +50 Bonus Gifts (Cost: 25) (Limit: 3) | 1,000,000 Coins +60 Bonus Gifts (Cost: 20) (Limit: 1) | 5 Icons Points (Cost: 125) (Limit: 3) |
Dec 19 | 5 Skill Boosts +10 Bonus Gifts (Cost: 10) (Limit: 5) | 400,000 Coins +100 Bonus Gifts (Cost: 50) (Limit: 1) | 94 LM Kostic +180 Bonus Gifts (Cost: 60) (Limit: 1) | 50 Skill Boosts (Cost: 300) (Limit: 1) |
Dec 20 | 5,000 Coins +5 Bonus Gifts (Cost: 5) (Limit: 5) | 80+ Harvest Fest Player +100 Bonus Gifts (Cost: 50) (Limit: 1) | 500 Skill Boosts +60 Bonus Gifts (Cost: 20) (Limit: 2) | 10,000 Coins (Cost: 50) (Limit: 5) |
Dec 21 | 50 TOTW Tokens +50 Bonus Gifts (Cost: 50) (Limit: 2) | 75,000 Training XP +60 Bonus Gifts (Cost: 30) (Limit: 1) | 100 Skill Boosts +15 Bonus Gifts (Cost: 5) (Limit: 3) | 5,000 Training XP (Cost: 100) (Limit: 3) |
Dec 22 | Gold Player +15 Bonus Gifts (Cost: 15) (Limit: 3) | 100 Snowmen Points +20 Bonus Gifts (Cost: 10) (Limit: 2) | 15,000 Training XP +6 Bonus Gifts (Cost: 2) (Limit: 5) | 15 Skill Boosts (Cost: 100) (Limit: 3) |
Dec 23 | 60 Skill Boosts +75 Bonus Gifts (Cost: 75) (Limit: 3) | 50 Icon Points +100 Bonus Gifts (Cost: 50) (Limit: 1) | Premium Freeze Player +60 Bonus Gifts (Cost: 20) (Limit: 2) | 1,000 Training XP (Cost: 25) (Limit: 5) |
Dec 24-25 | Christmas Hourly Offers (check the table below) | |||
Dec 26 | 100,000 Coins +75 Bonus Gifts (Cost: 75) (Limit: 3) | 50,000 Coins +20 Bonus Gifts (Cost: 10) (Limit: 5) | 500,000 Coins +36 Bonus Gifts (Cost: 12) (Limit: 2) | 25 Candy Canes (Cost: 150) (Limit: 3) |
Dec 26 | 5 Skill Boosts +10 Bonus Gifts (Cost: 10) (Limit: 10) | 100 TOTW Tokens +40 Bonus Gifts (Cost: 20) (Limit: 2) | 1,000 Skill Boosts +105 Bonus Gifts (Cost: 35) (Limit: 1) | 15 Skill Boosts (Cost: 100) (Limit: 3) |
Dec 27 | 60 Skill Boosts +75 Bonus Gifts (Cost: 75) (Limit: 3) | 80+ UCL Player +100 Bonus Gifts (Cost: 50) (Limit: 1) | 100,000 Coins +9 Bonus Gifts (Cost: 3) (Limit: 3) | 5,000 Training XP (Cost: 100) (Limit: 3) |
Dec 27 | 2,500 Training XP +10 Bonus Gifts (Cost: 10) (Limit: 10) | 100 Skill Boosts +50 Bonus Gifts (Cost: 25) (Limit: 3) | 90+ UCL Player +150 Bonus Gifts (Cost: 50) (Limit: 1) | 50,000 Coins (Cost: 150) (Limit: 1) |
Dec 28 | 50,000 Coins +40 Bonus Gifts (Cost: 40) (Limit: 5) | 80+ Elite Player +80 Bonus Gifts (Cost: 40) (Limit: 1) | 15,000 Training XP +6 Bonus Gifts (Cost: 2) (Limit: 5) | 5 Skill Boosts (Cost: 50) (Limit: 5) |
Dec 28 | 50 Snowmen Points +25 Bonus Gifts (Cost: 25) (Limit: 3) | 400,000 Coins +100 Bonus Gifts (Cost: 50) (Limit: 1) | 84+ Freeze Player +45 Bonus Gifts (Cost: 15) (Limit: 2) | 10 TOTW Tokens (Cost: 50) (Limit: 5) |
Dec 29 | 25,000 Training XP +75 Bonus Gifts (Cost: 75) (Limit: 3) | 15 Skill Boosts +10 Bonus Gifts (Cost: 5) (Limit: 5) | Premium Freeze Player +60 Bonus Gifts (Cost: 20) (Limit: 2) | 10,000 Coins (Cost: 50) (Limit: 5) |
Dec 29 | 5 Skill Boosts +10 Bonus Gifts (Cost: 10) (Limit: 10) | 80+ Elite Player +80 Bonus Gifts (Cost: 40) (Limit: 1) | 100k Training XP +30 Bonus Gifts (Cost: 10) (Limit: 2) | 1,000 Training XP (Cost: 25) (Limit: 5) |
Dec 30 | 50,000 Coins +40 Bonus Gifts (Cost: 40) (Limit: 5) | 80+ Harvest Fest Player +100 Bonus Gifts (Cost: 50) (Limit: 1) | 92 CM Camavinga +165 Bonus Gifts (Cost: 55) (Limit: 1) | 5 Skill Boosts (Cost: 50) (Limit: 5) |
Dec 30 | 20 Skill Boosts +30 Bonus Gifts (Cost: 30) (Limit: 5) | 50 Icon Points +100 Bonus Gifts (Cost: 50) (Limit: 1) | 1,000,000 Coins +60 Bonus Gifts (Cost: 20) (Limit: 1) | 25,000 Coins (Cost: 100) (Limit: 3) |
Dec 31 - Jan 01 | New Year Hourly Offers (check the table below) | |||
Jan 02 | 5 Skill Boosts +10 Bonus Gifts (Cost: 10) (Limit: 10) | 50,000 Coins +20 Bonus Gifts (Cost: 10) (Limit: 5) | 60 Icon Points +30 Bonus Gifts (Cost: 10) (Limit: 1) | 25 Candy Canes (Cost: 150) (Limit: 3) |
Jan 02 | 7,500 Training XP +25 Bonus Gifts (Cost: 25) (Limit: 5) | 250 Skill Boosts +100 Bonus Gifts (Cost: 50) (Limit: 1) | 1,000,000 Coins +60 Bonus Gifts (Cost: 20) (Limit: 1) | 50 Skill Boosts (Cost: 300) (Limit: 1) |
Jan 03 | 50 TOTW Tokens +50 Bonus Gifts (Cost: 50) (Limit: 3) | 84+ Freeze Player +100 Bonus Gifts (Cost: 50) (Limit: 1) | 91 Immobile UCL +150 Bonus Gifts (Cost: 50) (Limit: 1) | 10,000 Coins (Cost: 50) (Limit: 5) |
Jan 03 | 50,000 Coins +40 Bonus Gifts (Cost: 40) (Limit: 5) | 25 TOTW Premium Points +100 Bonus Gifts (Cost: 50) (Limit: 4) | 100 Skill Boosts +15 Bonus Gifts (Cost: 5) (Limit: 3) | 1,000 Training XP (Cost: 25) (Limit: 5) |
Jan 04 | 7,500 Training XP +25 Bonus Gifts (Cost: 25) (Limit: 5) | 100 TOTW Tokens +40 Bonus Gifts (Cost: 20) (Limit: 2) | 15,000 Training XP +6 Bonus Gifts (Cost: 2) (Limit: 5) | 10,000 Training XP (Cost: 150) (Limit: 1) |
Jan 04 | 60 Skill Boosts +75 Bonus Gifts (Cost: 75) (Limit: 3) | 4,000 Training XP +6 Bonus Gifts (Cost: 3) (Limit: 5) | 500,000 Coins +36 Bonus Gifts (Cost: 12) (Limit: 2) | 10 TOTW Tokens (Cost: 50) (Limit: 5) |
Jan 05 | 20 Skill Boosts +30 Bonus Gifts (Cost: 30) (Limit: 5) | 80+ Elite Player +80 Bonus Gifts (Cost: 40) (Limit: 1) | 25 TOTW Premium Points +24 Bonus Gifts (Cost: 8) (Limit: 4) | 5 Skill Boosts (Cost: 50) (Limit: 5) |
Jan 05 | 50 TOTW Tokens +50 Bonus Gifts (Cost: 50) (Limit: 3) | 80+ UCL Player +100 Bonus Gifts (Cost: 50) (Limit: 1) | 100,000 Coins +9 Bonus Gifts (Cost: 3) (Limit: 3) | 25,000 Coins (Cost: 100) (Limit: 3) |
Jan 06 | 50 Snowmen Points +25 Bonus Gifts (Cost: 25) (Limit: 3) | 90 Mascherano EOE (Cost: 200) (Limit: 1) | 84+ Freeze Player +45 Bonus Gifts (Cost: 15) (Limit: 2) | 10 TOTW Tokens (Cost: 50) (Limit: 5) |
Jan 06 | 100,000 Coins +75 Bonus Gifts (Cost: 75) (Limit: 3) | 250 Skill Boosts +100 Bonus Gifts (Cost: 50) (Limit: 1) | 250,000 Training XP +60 Bonus Gifts (Cost: 20) (Limit: 1) | 25 Candy Canes (Cost: 150) (Limit: 3) |
Jan 07 | 1,000 Training XP (Cost: 5) (Limit: ∞) | 2,000 Training XP (Cost: 2) (Limit: ∞) | 15 Skill Boosts (Cost: 1) (Limit: ∞) | 500 Coins (Cost: 5) (Limit: ∞) |
Frozen Gifts Hourly Offers (Dec 24 – 26)
1 | 100,000 Coins +75 Bonus Gifts (Cost: 75) (Limit: 3) | 25 TOTW Premium Points +100 Bonus Gifts (Cost: 50) (Limit: 4) | 93 Fabinho UCL +165 Bonus Gifts (Cost: 55) (Limit: 1) | 25 Candy Canes (Cost: 150) (Limit: 3) |
2 | 60 Skill Boosts +75 Bonus Gifts (Cost: 75) (Limit: 3) | 80+ Harvest Fest Player +100 Bonus Gifts (Cost: 50) (Limit: 1) | 100k Training XP +30 Bonus Gifts (Cost: 10) (Limit: 2) | 5 Skill Boosts (Cost: 50) (Limit: 5) |
3 | Gold Player +15 Bonus Gifts (Cost: 15) (Limit: 5) | 200,000 Coins +60 Bonus Gifts (Cost: 30) (Limit: 3) | 100 Skill Boosts +15 Bonus Gifts (Cost: 5) (Limit: 3) | 10,000 Training XP (Cost: 150) (Limit: 1) |
4 | 50 Snowmen Points +25 Bonus Gifts (Cost: 25) (Limit: 3) | 25 TOTW Premium Points +100 Bonus Gifts (Cost: 50) (Limit: 4) | 1,000,000 Coins +60 Bonus Gifts (Cost: 20) (Limit: 1) | 10 TOTW Tokens (Cost: 50) (Limit: 5) |
5 | 25,000 Training XP +75 Bonus Gifts (Cost: 75) (Limit: 3) | 84+ Freeze Player +100 Bonus Gifts (Cost: 50) (Limit: 1) | 60 Icon Points +30 Bonus Gifts (Cost: 10) (Limit: 1) | 5 Skill Boosts (Cost: 50) (Limit: 5) |
6 | 5,000 Coins +5 Bonus Gifts (Cost: 5) (Limit: 10) | 90 Mascherano EOE (Cost: 200) (Limit: 1) | 250,000 Training XP +60 Bonus Gifts (Cost: 20) (Limit: 1) | 15 Skill Boosts (Cost: 100) (Limit: 3) |
7 | 20 Skill Boosts +30 Bonus Gifts (Cost: 30) (Limit: 5) | 15 Skill Boosts +10 Bonus Gifts (Cost: 5) (Limit: 5) | 500 Skill Boosts +60 Bonus Gifts (Cost: 20) (Limit: 2) | 50 Skill Boosts (Cost: 300) (Limit: 1) |
8 | 50 Snowmen Points +25 Bonus Gifts (Cost: 25) (Limit: 3) | 50,000 Coins +20 Bonus Gifts (Cost: 10) (Limit: 5) | 25 TOTW Premium Points +24 Bonus Gifts (Cost: 8) (Limit: 4) | 5,000 Training XP (Cost: 100) (Limit: 3) |
9 | 7,500 Training XP +25 Bonus Gifts (Cost: 25) (Limit: 5) | 84+ Premium Freeze Player +140 Bonus Gifts (Cost: 70) (Limit: 1) | 100,000 Coins +9 Bonus Gifts (Cost: 3) (Limit: 3) | 25 Snowmen Points (Cost: 100) (Limit: 3) |
10 | 50,000 Coins +40 Bonus Gifts (Cost: 40) (Limit: 5) | 4,000 Training XP +6 Bonus Gifts (Cost: 3) (Limit: 5) | 90+ Harvest Fest Player +150 Bonus Gifts (Cost: 50) (Limit: 1) | 5 Icons Points (Cost: 125) (Limit: 3) |
11 | 5 Skill Boosts +10 Bonus Gifts (Cost: 10) (Limit: 10) | 100 TOTW Tokens +40 Bonus Gifts (Cost: 20) (Limit: 2) | 90+ UCL Player +150 Bonus Gifts (Cost: 50) (Limit: 1) | 50,000 Coins (Cost: 150) (Limit: 1) |
12 | 2,500 Training XP +10 Bonus Gifts (Cost: 10) (Limit: 10) | 50 Icon Points +100 Bonus Gifts (Cost: 50) (Limit: 1) | 15,000 Training XP +6 Bonus Gifts (Cost: 2) (Limit: 5) | 15 Skill Boosts (Cost: 100) (Limit: 3) |
13 | 5,000 Coins +5 Bonus Gifts (Cost: 5) (Limit: 10) | 80+ UCL Player +100 Bonus Gifts (Cost: 50) (Limit: 1) | 500,000 Coins +36 Bonus Gifts (Cost: 12) (Limit: 2) | 5 Skill Boosts (Cost: 50) (Limit: 5) |
14 | 2,500 Training XP +10 Bonus Gifts (Cost: 10) (Limit: 10) | 15 Skill Boosts +10 Bonus Gifts (Cost: 5) (Limit: 5) | 250 Snowmen Points +15 Bonus Gifts (Cost: 5) (Limit: 2) | 10,000 Coins (Cost: 50) (Limit: 5) |
15 | 50 TOTW Tokens +50 Bonus Gifts (Cost: 50) (Limit: 3) | 200,000 Coins +60 Bonus Gifts (Cost: 30) (Limit: 3) | 92 Icons Gattuso +150 Bonus Gifts (Cost: 50) (Limit: 1) | 10 TOTW Tokens (Cost: 50) (Limit: 5) |
16 | 2,500 Training XP +10 Bonus Gifts (Cost: 10) (Limit: 10) | 80+ Elite Player +80 Bonus Gifts (Cost: 40) (Limit: 1) | 1,000 Skill Boosts +105 Bonus Gifts (Cost: 35) (Limit: 1) | 25,000 Coins (Cost: 100) (Limit: 3) |
17 | 20 Skill Boosts +30 Bonus Gifts (Cost: 30) (Limit: 5) | 50,000 Coins +20 Bonus Gifts (Cost: 10) (Limit: 5) | 92 CM Camavinga +165 Bonus Gifts (Cost: 55) (Limit: 1) | 50 Skill Boosts (Cost: 300) (Limit: 1) |
18 | Gold Player +15 Bonus Gifts (Cost: 15) (Limit: 5) | 100 Snowmen Points +20 Bonus Gifts (Cost: 10) (Limit: 2) | 500,000 Coins +36 Bonus Gifts (Cost: 12) (Limit: 2) | 10,000 Coins (Cost: 50) (Limit: 5) |
19 | 5 Skill Boosts +10 Bonus Gifts (Cost: 10) (Limit: 10) | 84+ Freeze Player +100 Bonus Gifts (Cost: 50) (Limit: 1) | 250,000 Training XP +60 Bonus Gifts (Cost: 20) (Limit: 1) | 25,000 Coins (Cost: 100) (Limit: 3) |
20 | 100,000 Coins +75 Bonus Gifts (Cost: 75) (Limit: 3) | 4,000 Training XP +6 Bonus Gifts (Cost: 3) (Limit: 5) | 100 Skill Boosts +15 Bonus Gifts (Cost: 5) (Limit: 3) | 10,000 Training XP (Cost: 150) (Limit: 1) |
21 | 50,000 Coins +40 Bonus Gifts (Cost: 40) (Limit: 5) | 80+ UCL Player +100 Bonus Gifts (Cost: 50) (Limit: 1) | 100k Training XP +30 Bonus Gifts (Cost: 10) (Limit: 2) | 5 Skill Boosts (Cost: 50) (Limit: 5) |
22 | 50 Snowmen Points +25 Bonus Gifts (Cost: 25) (Limit: 3) | 200,000 Coins +60 Bonus Gifts (Cost: 30) (Limit: 3) | 84+ Freeze Player +45 Bonus Gifts (Cost: 15) (Limit: 2) | 50,000 Coins (Cost: 150) (Limit: 1) |
23 | 5 Skill Boosts +10 Bonus Gifts (Cost: 10) (Limit: 10) | 25,000 Training XP +30 Bonus Gifts (Cost: 15) (Limit: 3) | 91 Immobile UCL +150 Bonus Gifts (Cost: 50) (Limit: 1) | 50 Skill Boosts (Cost: 300) (Limit: 1) |
24 | 50 TOTW Tokens +50 Bonus Gifts (Cost: 50) (Limit: 3) | 75,000 Training XP +60 Bonus Gifts (Cost: 30) (Limit: 1) | 500 Skill Boosts +60 Bonus Gifts (Cost: 20) (Limit: 2) | 10,000 Coins (Cost: 50) (Limit: 5) |
25 | 2,500 Training XP +10 Bonus Gifts (Cost: 10) (Limit: 10) | 84+ Premium Freeze Player +140 Bonus Gifts (Cost: 70) (Limit: 1) | 25 TOTW Premium Points +24 Bonus Gifts (Cost: 8) (Limit: 4) | 25 Candy Canes (Cost: 150) (Limit: 3) |
26 | 20 Skill Boosts +30 Bonus Gifts (Cost: 30) (Limit: 5) | 50 Icon Points +100 Bonus Gifts (Cost: 50) (Limit: 1) | 100,000 Coins +9 Bonus Gifts (Cost: 3) (Limit: 3) | 10,000 Training XP (Cost: 150) (Limit: 1) |
27 | 5,000 Coins +5 Bonus Gifts (Cost: 5) (Limit: 10) | 250 Skill Boosts +100 Bonus Gifts (Cost: 50) (Limit: 1) | 15,000 Training XP +6 Bonus Gifts (Cost: 2) (Limit: 5) | 5 Icons Points (Cost: 125) (Limit: 3) |
28 | 50 TOTW Tokens +50 Bonus Gifts (Cost: 50) (Limit: 3) | 50,000 Coins +20 Bonus Gifts (Cost: 10) (Limit: 5) | 1,000 Skill Boosts +105 Bonus Gifts (Cost: 35) (Limit: 1) | 5,000 Training XP (Cost: 100) (Limit: 3) |
29 | 5 Skill Boosts +10 Bonus Gifts (Cost: 10) (Limit: 10) | 25,000 Training XP +30 Bonus Gifts (Cost: 15) (Limit: 3) | 92 Icons Gattuso +150 Bonus Gifts (Cost: 50) (Limit: 1) | 5 Skill Boosts (Cost: 50) (Limit: 5) |
30 | 2,500 Training XP +10 Bonus Gifts (Cost: 10) (Limit: 10) | 100 Skill Boosts +50 Bonus Gifts (Cost: 25) (Limit: 3) | 1,000,000 Coins +60 Bonus Gifts (Cost: 20) (Limit: 1) | 1,000 Training XP (Cost: 25) (Limit: 5) |
31 | 50,000 Coins +40 Bonus Gifts (Cost: 40) (Limit: 5) | 84+ Freeze Player +100 Bonus Gifts (Cost: 50) (Limit: 1) | 100k Training XP +30 Bonus Gifts (Cost: 10) (Limit: 2) | 25 Snowmen Points (Cost: 100) (Limit: 3) |
32 | 7,500 Training XP +25 Bonus Gifts (Cost: 25) (Limit: 5) | 400,000 Coins +100 Bonus Gifts (Cost: 50) (Limit: 1) | 100 Skill Boosts +15 Bonus Gifts (Cost: 5) (Limit: 3) | 10,000 Coins (Cost: 50) (Limit: 5) |
33 | 5 Skill Boosts +10 Bonus Gifts (Cost: 10) (Limit: 10) | 4,000 Training XP +6 Bonus Gifts (Cost: 3) (Limit: 5) | 90+ Harvest Fest Player +150 Bonus Gifts (Cost: 50) (Limit: 1) | 50,000 Coins (Cost: 150) (Limit: 1) |
34 | Gold Player +15 Bonus Gifts (Cost: 15) (Limit: 5) | 100 Snowmen Points +20 Bonus Gifts (Cost: 10) (Limit: 2) | 60 Icon Points +30 Bonus Gifts (Cost: 10) (Limit: 1) | 15 Skill Boosts (Cost: 100) (Limit: 3) |
35 | 5,000 Coins +5 Bonus Gifts (Cost: 5) (Limit: 10) | 80+ Elite Player +80 Bonus Gifts (Cost: 40) (Limit: 1) | 500 Skill Boosts +60 Bonus Gifts (Cost: 20) (Limit: 2) | 1,000 Training XP (Cost: 25) (Limit: 5) |
36 | 7,500 Training XP +25 Bonus Gifts (Cost: 25) (Limit: 5) | 15 Skill Boosts +10 Bonus Gifts (Cost: 5) (Limit: 5) | 90+ UCL Player +150 Bonus Gifts (Cost: 50) (Limit: 1) | 50,000 Coins (Cost: 150) (Limit: 1) |
37 | 2,500 Training XP +10 Bonus Gifts (Cost: 10) (Limit: 10) | 50,000 Coins +20 Bonus Gifts (Cost: 10) (Limit: 5) | 100 Skill Boosts +15 Bonus Gifts (Cost: 5) (Limit: 3) | 5 Icons Points (Cost: 125) (Limit: 3) |
38 | 60 Skill Boosts +75 Bonus Gifts (Cost: 75) (Limit: 3) | 100 TOTW Tokens +40 Bonus Gifts (Cost: 20) (Limit: 2) | 250 Snowmen Points +15 Bonus Gifts (Cost: 5) (Limit: 2) | 1,000 Training XP (Cost: 25) (Limit: 5) |
39 | 50 TOTW Tokens +50 Bonus Gifts (Cost: 50) (Limit: 3) | 250 Skill Boosts +100 Bonus Gifts (Cost: 50) (Limit: 1) | 1,000,000 Coins +60 Bonus Gifts (Cost: 20) (Limit: 1) | 10,000 Training XP (Cost: 150) (Limit: 1) |
40 | Gold Player +15 Bonus Gifts (Cost: 15) (Limit: 5) | 400,000 Coins +100 Bonus Gifts (Cost: 50) (Limit: 1) | 500 Skill Boosts +60 Bonus Gifts (Cost: 20) (Limit: 2) | 5,000 Training XP (Cost: 100) (Limit: 3) |
41 | 50 Snowmen Points +25 Bonus Gifts (Cost: 25) (Limit: 3) | 75,000 Training XP +60 Bonus Gifts (Cost: 30) (Limit: 1) | 93 Fabinho UCL +165 Bonus Gifts (Cost: 55) (Limit: 1) | 10,000 Coins (Cost: 50) (Limit: 5) |
42 | 5,000 Coins +5 Bonus Gifts (Cost: 5) (Limit: 10) | 100 Skill Boosts +50 Bonus Gifts (Cost: 25) (Limit: 3) | 60 Icon Points +30 Bonus Gifts (Cost: 10) (Limit: 1) | 1,000 Training XP (Cost: 25) (Limit: 5) |
43 | 20 Skill Boosts +30 Bonus Gifts (Cost: 30) (Limit: 5) | 25 TOTW Premium Points +100 Bonus Gifts (Cost: 50) (Limit: 4) | 90+ Harvest Fest Player +150 Bonus Gifts (Cost: 50) (Limit: 1) | 25,000 Coins (Cost: 100) (Limit: 3) |
44 | 25,000 Training XP +75 Bonus Gifts (Cost: 75) (Limit: 3) | 84+ Premium Freeze Player +140 Bonus Gifts (Cost: 70) (Limit: 1) | 100,000 Coins +9 Bonus Gifts (Cost: 3) (Limit: 3) | 5,000 Training XP (Cost: 100) (Limit: 3) |
45 | Gold Player +15 Bonus Gifts (Cost: 15) (Limit: 5) | 50 Icon Points +100 Bonus Gifts (Cost: 50) (Limit: 1) | 100 Skill Boosts +15 Bonus Gifts (Cost: 5) (Limit: 3) | 5 Skill Boosts (Cost: 50) (Limit: 5) |
46 | 2,500 Training XP +10 Bonus Gifts (Cost: 10) (Limit: 10) | 15 Skill Boosts +10 Bonus Gifts (Cost: 5) (Limit: 5) | 92 CM Camavinga +165 Bonus Gifts (Cost: 55) (Limit: 1) | 50 Skill Boosts (Cost: 300) (Limit: 1) |
47 | 50 TOTW Tokens +50 Bonus Gifts (Cost: 50) (Limit: 3) | 80+ Harvest Fest Player +100 Bonus Gifts (Cost: 50) (Limit: 1) | 100,000 Coins +9 Bonus Gifts (Cost: 3) (Limit: 3) | 25,000 Coins (Cost: 100) (Limit: 3) |
48 | Gold Player +15 Bonus Gifts (Cost: 15) (Limit: 5) | 25,000 Training XP +30 Bonus Gifts (Cost: 15) (Limit: 3) | 93 Fabinho UCL +165 Bonus Gifts (Cost: 55) (Limit: 1) | 15 Skill Boosts (Cost: 100) (Limit: 3) |
Frozen Gifts Hourly Offers (Dec 31 – Jan 01)
1 | 5,000 Coins +5 Bonus Gifts (Cost: 5) (Limit: 10) | 84+ Freeze Player +100 Bonus Gifts (Cost: 50) (Limit: 1) | 250 Snowmen Points +15 Bonus Gifts (Cost: 5) (Limit: 2) | 25 Candy Canes (Cost: 150) (Limit: 3) |
2 | 60 Skill Boosts +75 Bonus Gifts (Cost: 75) (Limit: 3) | 250 Skill Boosts +100 Bonus Gifts (Cost: 50) (Limit: 1) | 94 LM Kostic +180 Bonus Gifts (Cost: 60) (Limit: 1) | 50 Skill Boosts (Cost: 300) (Limit: 1) |
3 | 20 Skill Boosts +30 Bonus Gifts (Cost: 30) (Limit: 5) | 25 TOTW Premium Points +100 Bonus Gifts (Cost: 50) (Limit: 4) | 500,000 Coins +36 Bonus Gifts (Cost: 12) (Limit: 2) | 1,000 Training XP (Cost: 25) (Limit: 5) |
4 | 5 Skill Boosts +10 Bonus Gifts (Cost: 10) (Limit: 10) | 100 Snowmen Points +20 Bonus Gifts (Cost: 10) (Limit: 2) | 100 Skill Boosts +15 Bonus Gifts (Cost: 5) (Limit: 3) | 5 Skill Boosts (Cost: 50) (Limit: 5) |
5 | 100,000 Coins +75 Bonus Gifts (Cost: 75) (Limit: 3) | 50,000 Coins +20 Bonus Gifts (Cost: 10) (Limit: 5) | 25 TOTW Premium Points +24 Bonus Gifts (Cost: 8) (Limit: 4) | 5 Icons Points (Cost: 125) (Limit: 3) |
6 | 50,000 Coins +40 Bonus Gifts (Cost: 40) (Limit: 5) | 100 Skill Boosts +50 Bonus Gifts (Cost: 25) (Limit: 3) | 84+ Freeze Player +45 Bonus Gifts (Cost: 15) (Limit: 2) | 10,000 Coins (Cost: 50) (Limit: 5) |
7 | 5,000 Coins +5 Bonus Gifts (Cost: 5) (Limit: 10) | 4,000 Training XP +6 Bonus Gifts (Cost: 3) (Limit: 5) | 1,000 Skill Boosts +105 Bonus Gifts (Cost: 35) (Limit: 1) | 10 TOTW Tokens (Cost: 50) (Limit: 5) |
8 | 25,000 Training XP +75 Bonus Gifts (Cost: 75) (Limit: 3) | 100 TOTW Tokens +40 Bonus Gifts (Cost: 20) (Limit: 2) | 100k Training XP +30 Bonus Gifts (Cost: 10) (Limit: 2) | 15 Skill Boosts (Cost: 100) (Limit: 3) |
9 | 7,500 Training XP +25 Bonus Gifts (Cost: 25) (Limit: 5) | 15 Skill Boosts +10 Bonus Gifts (Cost: 5) (Limit: 5) | 94 LM Kostic +180 Bonus Gifts (Cost: 60) (Limit: 1) | 50,000 Coins (Cost: 150) (Limit: 1) |
10 | 2,500 Training XP +10 Bonus Gifts (Cost: 10) (Limit: 10) | 400,000 Coins +100 Bonus Gifts (Cost: 50) (Limit: 1) | 100k Training XP +30 Bonus Gifts (Cost: 10) (Limit: 2) | 10,000 Training XP (Cost: 150) (Limit: 1) |
11 | 50 TOTW Tokens +50 Bonus Gifts (Cost: 50) (Limit: 3) | 4,000 Training XP +6 Bonus Gifts (Cost: 3) (Limit: 5) | 90+ UCL Player +150 Bonus Gifts (Cost: 50) (Limit: 1) | 1,000 Training XP (Cost: 25) (Limit: 5) |
12 | 2,500 Training XP +10 Bonus Gifts (Cost: 10) (Limit: 10) | 84+ Freeze Player +100 Bonus Gifts (Cost: 50) (Limit: 1) | 500 Skill Boosts +60 Bonus Gifts (Cost: 20) (Limit: 2) | 10,000 Coins (Cost: 50) (Limit: 5) |
13 | 100,000 Coins +75 Bonus Gifts (Cost: 75) (Limit: 3) | 25,000 Training XP +30 Bonus Gifts (Cost: 15) (Limit: 3) | 100,000 Coins +9 Bonus Gifts (Cost: 3) (Limit: 3) | 15 Skill Boosts (Cost: 100) (Limit: 3) |
14 | 60 Skill Boosts +75 Bonus Gifts (Cost: 75) (Limit: 3) | 200,000 Coins +60 Bonus Gifts (Cost: 30) (Limit: 3) | 15,000 Training XP +6 Bonus Gifts (Cost: 2) (Limit: 5) | 25 Snowmen Points (Cost: 100) (Limit: 3) |
15 | 5,000 Coins +5 Bonus Gifts (Cost: 5) (Limit: 10) | 15 Skill Boosts +10 Bonus Gifts (Cost: 5) (Limit: 5) | Premium Freeze Player +60 Bonus Gifts (Cost: 20) (Limit: 2) | 1,000 Training XP (Cost: 25) (Limit: 5) |
16 | 7,500 Training XP +25 Bonus Gifts (Cost: 25) (Limit: 5) | 100 Skill Boosts +50 Bonus Gifts (Cost: 25) (Limit: 3) | 500,000 Coins +36 Bonus Gifts (Cost: 12) (Limit: 2) | 5 Skill Boosts (Cost: 50) (Limit: 5) |
17 | Gold Player +15 Bonus Gifts (Cost: 15) (Limit: 5) | 80+ Elite Player +80 Bonus Gifts (Cost: 40) (Limit: 1) | 100 Skill Boosts +15 Bonus Gifts (Cost: 5) (Limit: 3) | 10 TOTW Tokens (Cost: 50) (Limit: 5) |
18 | 25,000 Training XP +75 Bonus Gifts (Cost: 75) (Limit: 3) | 15 Skill Boosts +10 Bonus Gifts (Cost: 5) (Limit: 5) | 90+ Harvest Fest Player +150 Bonus Gifts (Cost: 50) (Limit: 1) | 50,000 Coins (Cost: 150) (Limit: 1) |
19 | 5,000 Coins +5 Bonus Gifts (Cost: 5) (Limit: 10) | 25 TOTW Premium Points +100 Bonus Gifts (Cost: 50) (Limit: 4) | Premium Freeze Player +60 Bonus Gifts (Cost: 20) (Limit: 2) | 10,000 Coins (Cost: 50) (Limit: 5) |
20 | 7,500 Training XP +25 Bonus Gifts (Cost: 25) (Limit: 5) | 90 Mascherano EOE (Cost: 200) (Limit: 1) | 15,000 Training XP +6 Bonus Gifts (Cost: 2) (Limit: 5) | 5 Icons Points (Cost: 125) (Limit: 3) |
21 | 50,000 Coins +40 Bonus Gifts (Cost: 40) (Limit: 5) | 4,000 Training XP +6 Bonus Gifts (Cost: 3) (Limit: 5) | 92 Icons Gattuso +150 Bonus Gifts (Cost: 50) (Limit: 1) | 5,000 Training XP (Cost: 100) (Limit: 3) |
22 | 50 Snowmen Points +25 Bonus Gifts (Cost: 25) (Limit: 3) | 75,000 Training XP +60 Bonus Gifts (Cost: 30) (Limit: 1) | 100,000 Coins +9 Bonus Gifts (Cost: 3) (Limit: 3) | 25,000 Coins (Cost: 100) (Limit: 3) |
23 | 7,500 Training XP +25 Bonus Gifts (Cost: 25) (Limit: 5) | 50,000 Coins +20 Bonus Gifts (Cost: 10) (Limit: 5) | 1,000 Skill Boosts +105 Bonus Gifts (Cost: 35) (Limit: 1) | 50,000 Coins (Cost: 150) (Limit: 1) |
24 | Gold Player +15 Bonus Gifts (Cost: 15) (Limit: 5) | 84+ Premium Freeze Player +140 Bonus Gifts (Cost: 70) (Limit: 1) | 250,000 Training XP +60 Bonus Gifts (Cost: 20) (Limit: 1) | 10 TOTW Tokens (Cost: 50) (Limit: 5) |

Archive (FIFA Mobile 20)
Finally, FIFA Mobile launched Frozen Gifts Offer on Football Freeze event. Not as good as last year but it’s better than nothing.
AS FIFA Mobile said, It is a time of joy and a time of cheer, it is time for a new chapter to appear.
Get 12 Gold Gifts, 4 Elite Gifts, and 2 Master Gifts by playing one Skill Game every day. Exchange the Gifts for various rewards and resources.
Frozen Gifts ends on January 06, 2020.
Frozen Gifts List
Here is the list of Frozen Gift Offers (list will update every day) :
Dec 18 | 300 Skill Boosts + 15 BG (15) | 88 ST Loren + 20 BG (10) | 93 ST Vardy + 80 BG (20) | 50,000 XP (100) |
Dec 19 | 400 Skill Boosts + 20 BG (20) | 86 RB Lainer (Foil) + 20 BG (10) | 94 ST Martinez + 100 BG (25) | 100 LLR Points (100) |
Dec 20 | 500 Skill Boosts + 25 BG (25) | 5,000,000 Coins + 100 BG (50) | 93 CB Pepe (Foil) + 100 BG (25) | 50 Snowflake Points (100) |
Dec 21 | 750 Skill Boosts + 38 BG (38) | 89 GK Blake (Foil) + 36 BG (18) | 93 CAM Pozuelo + 80 BG (20) | 200,000 Coins (100) |
Dec 22 | 1000 Skill Boosts + 50 BG (50) | 89 CM Roldan + 32 BG (16) | 94 CB Pique (Foil) +120 BG (30) | 100 Skill Boosts (100) |
Dec 23 | 2500 Skill Boosts + 125 BG (125) | 88 ST Loren (Foil) + 24 BG (12) | 94 CB Pique +100 BG (25) | 50,000 XP (100) |
Dec 24-25 | Christmas Hourly Offers (check the table below) | |||
Dec 26 | 25,000 XP + 3 BG (3) | 87 LW Vako + 20 BG (10) | 90 CAM Sabitzer (Foil) + 60 BG (15) | 100 Skill Boosts (100) |
Dec 27 | 50,000 XP + 6 BG (6) | 89 GK Blake + 32 BG (16) | 90 GK Pickford (Foil) + 60 BG (15) | 50,000 XP (100) |
Dec 28 | 200,000 Coins + 5 BG (5) | 89 CM Roldan (Foil) + 36 BG (18) | 93 ST Vardy + 80 BG (20) | 100 LLR Points (100) |
Dec 29 | 500,000 Coins + 15 BG (15) | 80+ OVR Program Elite + 20 BG (10) | 94 ST Vela (Foil) + 120 BG (30) | 50 Snowflake Points (100) |
Dec 30 | 100 Skill Boosts + 5 BG (5) | 86 ST Arnautovic (Foil) + 20 BG (10) | 94 CB Pique (Foil) +120 BG (30) | 200,000 Coins (100) |
Dec 31 | 200 Skill Boosts + 10 BG (10) | 87 LW Vako (Foil) + 24 BG (12) | 94 ST Diego Costa + 100 BG (25) | 100 Skill Boosts (100) |
Jan 01 | 300 Skill Boosts + 15 BG (15) | 86 ST Arnautovic + 16 BG (8) | 94 ST Martinez + 100 BG (25) | 50,000 XP (100) |
Jan 02 | 400 Skill Boosts + 20 BG (20) | 88 RW Hulk + 24 BG (12) | 93 ST Vardy (Foil) + 100 BG (25) | 50 Snowflake Points (100) |
Jan 03 | 500 Skill Boosts + 25 BG (25) | 89 GK Blake (Foil) + 36 BG (18) | 93 CAM Pozuelo + 80 BG (20) | 200,000 Coins (100) |
Jan 04 | 750 Skill Boosts + 38 BG (38) | 5,000,000 Coins + 100 BG (50) | 94 ST Costa (Foil) + 120 BG (30) | 100 Skill Boosts (100) |
Jan 05 | 1000 Skill Boosts + 50 BG (50) | Confirmed Cost : 12 Chances : 88 ST Loren (Foil) + 24 BG 87 LW Vako (Foil) + 24 BG 88 RW Hulk + 24 BG (12) 87 CAM Carles Gil (Foil) + 24 BG | Confirmed Cost : 10 Chances : - 90 CAM Sabitzer + 40 BG - 90 GK Pickford + 40 BG - 90 ST Rooney (Foil) + 40 BG - 90 CB Opara (Foil) + 40 BG | 50,000 XP (100) |
Frozen Gifts Hourly Offers
Hour 1 | 25,000 XP + 3 BG (3) | 88 RW Hulk (Foil) + 28 BG (14) | 94 ST Diego Costa + 100 BG (25) | 100 LLR Points (100) |
Hour 2 | 50,000 XP + 6 BG (6) | 87 CAM Carles Gil (Foil) + 24 BG (12) | 90 CAM Sabitzer + 40 BG (10) | 50 Snowflake Points (100) |
Hour 3 | 200,000 Coins + 5 BG (5) | 1M XP + 100 BG (50) | 90 GK Pickford + 40 BG (10) | 200,000 Coins (100) |
Hour 4 | 500,000 Coins + 15 (15) | 88 RW Hulk + 24 BG (12) | 94 ST Martinez (Foil) + 120 BG (30) | 100 Skill Boosts (100) |
Hour 5 | 100 Skill Boosts + 5 BG (5) | 89 CM Roldan (Foil) + 36 BG (18) | 90 GK Pickford (Foil) + 60 BG (15) | 50,000 XP (100) |
Hour 6 | 200 Skill Boosts + 10 BG (10) | 89 GK Blake + 32 BG (16) | 90 ST Rooney (Foil) + 40 BG (10) | 100 LLR Points (100) |
Hour 7 | 300 Skill Boosts + 15 BG (15) | 88 ST Loren + 20 BG (10) | 93 ST Vardy (Foil) + 100 BG (25) | 50 Snowflake Points (100) |
Hour 8 | 400 Skill Boosts + 20 BG (20) | 87 LW Vako + 20 BG (10) | 94 ST Costa (Foil) + 120 BG (30) | 200,000 Coins (100) |
Hour 9 | 500 Skill Boosts + 25 BG (25) | 87 LW Vako (Foil) + 24 BG (12) | 94 ST Vela + 100 BG (25) | 100 Skill Boosts (100) |
Hour 10 | 750 Skill Boosts + 38 BG (38) | 88 ST Loren (Foil) + 24 BG (12) | 90 CAM Sabitzer (Foil) + 60 BG (15) | 50,000 XP (100) |
Hour 11 | 1000 Skill Boosts + 50 BG (50) | 87 CAM Carles Gil (Foil) + 24 BG (12) | 94 ST Vela (Foil) + 120 BG (30) | 100 LLR Points (100) |
Hour 12 | 2,500 Skill Boosts + 125 BG (125) | 88 RW Hulk + 24 BG (12) | 90 GK Pickford (Foil) + 60 BG (15) | 50 Snowflake Points (100) |
Hour 13 | 25,000 XP + 3 BG (3) | 86 ST Arnautovic (Foil) + 20 BG (10) | 93 ST Ibrahimovic + 80 BG (20) | 200,000 Coins (100) |
Hour 14 | 50,000 XP + 6 BG (6) | 88 RW Hulk (Foil) + 28 BG (14) | 93 CAM Pozuelo (Foil) + 100 BG (25) | 100 Skill Boosts (100) |
Hour 15 | 200,000 Coins + 5 BG (5) | 80+ OVR Program Elite + 20 BG (10) | 90 CB Opara + 20 BG (5) | 50,000 XP (100) |
Hour 16 | 500,000 Coins + 15 BG (15) | 87 CAM Carles Gil (Foil) + 24 BG (12) | 93 CB Pepe + 80 BG (20) | 100 LLR Points (100) |
Hour 17 | 100 Skill Boosts + 5 BG (5) | 88 ST Loren + 20 BG (10) | 93 ST Ibrahimovic (Foil) + 100 BG (25) | 50 Snowflake Points (100) |
Hour 18 | 200 Skill Boosts + 10 BG (10) | 88 RW Hulk (Foil) + 28 BG (14) | 90 CB Opara (Foil) + 40 BG (10) | 200,000 Coins (100) |
Hour 19 | 300 Skill Boosts + 15 BG (15) | 86 RB Lainer + 16 BG (8) | 94 CB Pique +100 BG (25) | 100 Skill Boosts (100) |
Hour 20 | 400 Skill Boosts + 20 BG (20) | 86 ST Arnautovic + 16 BG (8) | 93 ST Werner + 120 BG (30) | 50,000 XP (100) |
Hour 21 | 500 Skill Boosts + 25 BG (25) | 1M XP + 100 BG (50) | 90 GK Pickford + 40 BG (10) | 100 LLR Points (100) |
Hour 22 | 750 Skill Boosts + 38 BG (38) | 86 RB Lainer (Foil) + 20 BG (10) | 90 ST Rooney (Foil) + 40 BG (10) | 50 Snowflake Points (100) |
Hour 23 | 1000 Skill Boosts + 50 BG (50) | 86 ST Arnautovic (Foil) + 20 BG (10) | 94 ST Martinez (Foil) + 120 BG (30) | 200,000 Coins (100) |
Hour 24 | 2,500 Skill Boosts + 125 BG (125) | 5,000,000 Coins + 100 BG (50) | 93 ST Werner (Foil) + 160 BG (40) | 100 Skill Boosts (100) |
Hour 25 | 25,000 XP + 3 BG (3) | 89 CM Roldan + 32 BG (16) | 93 CB Pepe (Foil) + 100 BG (25) | 50,000 XP (100) |
Hour 26 | 50,000 XP + 6 BG (6) | 80+ OVR Program Elite + 20 BG (10) | 93 ST Ibrahimovic (Foil) + 100 BG (25) | 100 LLR Points (100) |
Hour 27 | 200,000 Coins + 5 BG (5) | 88 ST Loren (Foil) + 24 BG (12) | 93 ST Vardy + 80 BG (20) | 50 Snowflake Points (100) |
Hour 28 | 500,000 Coins + 15 BG (15) | 87 LW Vako (Foil) + 24 BG (12) | 93 CAM Pozuelo + 80 BG (20) | 200,000 Coins (100) |
Hour 29 | 100 Skill Boosts + 5 BG (5) | 88 ST Loren + 20 BG (10) | 94 CB Pique (Foil) +120 BG (30) | 100 Skill Boosts (100) |
Hour 30 | 200 Skill Boosts + 10 BG (10) | 87 CAM Carles Gil (Foil) + 24 BG (12) | 90 CAM Sabitzer + 40 BG (10) | 50,000 XP (100) |
Hour 31 | 300 Skill Boosts + 15 BG (15) | 89 CM Roldan (Foil) + 36 BG (18) | 90 ST Rooney + 20 BG (5) | 100 LLR Points (100) |
Hour 32 | 400 Skill Boosts + 20 BG (20) | 89 GK Blake + 32 BG (16) | 94 ST Diego Costa + 100 BG (25) | 50 Snowflake Points (100) |
Hour 33 | 500 Skill Boosts + 25 BG (25) | 86 RB Lainer + 16 BG (8) | 94 ST Martinez + 100 BG (25) | 200,000 Coins (100) |
Hour 34 | 750 Skill Boosts + 38 BG (38) | 1M XP + 100 BG (50) | 94 ST Vela + 100 BG (25) | 100 Skill Boosts (100) |
Hour 35 | 1000 Skill Boosts + 50 BG (50) | 87 LW Vako + 20 BG (10) | 93 ST Vardy (Foil) + 100 BG (25) | 50,000 XP (100) |
Hour 36 | 2,500 Skill Boosts + 125 BG (125) | 86 ST Arnautovic + 16 BG (8) | 94 ST Costa (Foil) + 120 BG (30) | 100 LLR Points (100) |
Hour 37 | 25,000 XP + 3 BG (3) | 88 RW Hulk + 24 BG (12) | 90 CB Opara + 20 BG (5) | 50 Snowflake Points (100) |
Hour 38 | 50,000 XP + 6 BG (6) | 80+ OVR Program Elite + 20 BG (10) | 90 CAM Sabitzer (Foil) + 60 BG (15) | 200,000 Coins (100) |
Hour 39 | 200,000 Coins + 5 BG (5) | 88 RW Hulk (Foil) + 28 BG (14) | 94 CB Pique +100 BG (25) | 100 Skill Boosts (100) |
Hour 40 | 500,000 Coins + 15 BG (15) | 89 GK Blake + 32 BG (16) | 93 ST Werner + 120 BG (30) | 50,000 XP (100) |
Hour 41 | 100 Skill Boosts + 5 BG (5) | 86 RB Lainer (Foil) + 20 BG (10) | 93 CB Pepe + 80 BG (20) | 100 LLR Points (100) |
Hour 42 | 200 Skill Boosts + 10 BG (10) | 88 ST Loren + 20 BG (10) | 90 CB Opara (Foil) + 40 BG (10) | 50 Snowflake Points (100) |
Hour 43 | 300 Skill Boosts + 15 BG (15) | 89 CM Roldan + 32 BG (16) | 90 GK Pickford + 40 BG (10) | 200,000 Coins (100) |
Hour 44 | 400 Skill Boosts + 20 BG (20) | 5,000,000 Coins + 100 BG (50) | 93 ST Ibrahimovic + 80 BG (20) | 100 Skill Boosts (100) |
Hour 45 | 500 Skill Boosts + 25 BG (25) | 87 CAM Carles Gil (Foil) + 24 BG (12) | 93 ST Werner (Foil) + 160 BG (40) | 50,000 XP (100) |
Hour 46 | 750 Skill Boosts + 38 BG (38) | 88 RW Hulk + 24 BG (12) | 93 CB Pepe (Foil) + 100 BG (25) | 100 LLR Points (100) |
Hour 47 | 1000 Skill Boosts + 50 BG (50) | 87 CAM Carles Gil + 24 BG (12) | 90 ST Rooney + 20 BG (5) | 50 Snowflake Points (100) |
Hour 48 | 2,500 Skill Boosts + 125 BG (125) | 1M XP + 100 BG (50) | 94 ST Martinez (Foil) + 120 BG (30) | 200,000 Coins (100) |
Archive (FIFA Mobile 19)
Gain Access to new Offers every day! Get them by trading in Gold, Elite and Master Gift Points earned in the Snowflake Chapter.
Purchasing an Offer will earn you Bonus Gift Points which can be used for Bonus Offers.

(Include 1 Bonus Gift Point) | (Include 6 Bonus Gift Points) | (Include 20 Bonus Gift Points) | ||
Dec 7 | 15x Hot Points (5) | 75,000 Training XPs (3) | 8x Any Scarfs (1) | |
Dec 8 | 100 Snowballs (3) | 50x Hot Points (3) | Frozen Star Player (6) | |
Dec 9 | 30x TOTW Points (5) | Freeze Elite Player (4) | 400x Epic Boosts (2) | |
Dec 10 | 15x Cold Points (5) | 6x Any Scarfs (3) | Icon Player (6) | |
Dec 11 | 10x Any Buttons (3) | 50x Cold Points (3) | 150x Legendary Boosts (2) | |
Dec 12 | 100x Common Boosts (3) | 600,000 Coins (3) | 75x Hot Points (1) | |
Dec 13 | 2x Gold Freeze Players (1) | 125 TOTW Points (3) | 200,000 Training XPs (2) | |
Dec 14 | 10x Any Buttons (3) | 75x Legendary Boosts (4) | 2x Any Frozen Hat (2) | |
Dec 15 | 50x Rare Boosts (3) | 600,000 Coins (3) | 75x Cold Points (1) | |
Dec 16 | 15x Hot Points (5) | 75,000 Training XPs (3) | 92 OVR Saúl (6) | |
Dec 17 | 30x TOTW Points (5) | 200x Epic Boosts (4) | 150x Legendary Boosts (2) | |
Dec 18 | 75,000 Coins (2) | 500 Snowballs (3) | Icon Player (6) | |
Dec 19 | 125x Scouting Points (6) | 6x Any Scarfs (3) | 75x Hot Points (1) | |
Dec 20 | 2x Gold Freeze Players (1) | 30x Any Buttons (2) | 75x Cold Points (1) | |
Dec 21 | 15x Cold Points (5) | 50x Hot Points (3) | 1,500,000 Coins (2) | |
Dec 22 | 500x League Points (2) | 125 TOTW Points (3) | 2x Any Frozen Hat (2) | |
Dec 23 | 100 Snowballs (3) | 50x Cold Points (3) | 92 OVR Saúl (6) | |
Dec 24 | 75,000 Coins (2) | 75x Legendary Boosts (4) | 400x Epic Boosts (2) | |
Dec 25-26 | Christmas Hourly Offers (check the table below) | |||
Dec 27 | 30x TOTW Points (5) | Freeze Elite Player (4) | 1,500,000 Coins (2) | 6x Any Scarfs (10) |
Dec 28 | 100 Snowballs (3) | 50x Cold Points (3) | 75x Hot Points (1) | 75,000 Training XPs (10) |
Dec 29 | 50x Rare Boosts (3) | 600,000 Coins (3) | 75x Cold Points (1) | Freeze Elite Player (15) |
Dec 30 | 15x Hot Points (5) | 6x Any Scarfs (3) | 2x Any Frozen Hat (2) | 500x Snowballs (10) |
Dec 31 | 500x League Points (2) | 75x Legendary Boosts (4) | 92 OVR Saúl (6) | 200x Epic Boosts (15) |
Jan 01 | 25x Common Boost (1) no limit | 100,000 Coins (1) no limit | 30x Hot/Cold Points (1) no limit | 100x Snowballs (50 no limit |
Here is the official schedule of Gold, Elite, Master, Bonus and Free Gifts Offers (offers refresh every hour for 2 days, starting from Dec 25) :
Hour 1 | 150x Snowballs (3) | 100,000 XPs (3) | 1 Snowman of the Match (6) | 600,000 Coins (10) | 20,000 Coins |
Hour 2 | 100,000 Coins (2) | 8x Any Scarfs (3) | 20x Any Scarfs (3) | 500 Snowballs (10) | 25 Snowballs |
Hour 3 | 15x Any Buttons (3) | 100x Legendary Boosts (4) | 5,000,000 Coins (5) | 6x Any Scarfs (10) | 25x Common Boosts |
Hour 4 | 40x TOTW Points (5) | 750,000 Coins (3) | 500,000 XPs (3) | 30x Any Buttons (8) | 1 Gold Freeze Player |
Hour 5 | 15x Cold Points (5) | 45x Any Button (2) | 1 Icon Player (5) | 200x Epic Boosts (15) | 2x Cold Points |
Hour 6 | 4x Gold Freeze Players (1) | 50x Cold Points (3) | 250x Legendary Boosts (2) | 125x TOTW Points (10) | 20x Scouting Points |
Hour 7 | 15x Any Buttons (3) | 750x Snowballs (3) | 92 OVR Saúl (5) | 30x Any Buttons (8) | 2x Hot Points |
Hour 8 | 150x Snowballs (3) | 300x Epic Boosts (4) | 20x Any Scarfs (3) | 1 Elite Freeze Player (15) | 100x League Points |
Hour 9 | 150x Scouting Points (6) | 50x Hot Points (3) | 75x Hot Points (1) | 75,000 XPs (10) | 5x TOTW Points |
Hour 10 | 750x League Points (2) | 2x Elite Freeze Players (4) | 4000 Snowballs (4) | 500 Snowballs (10) | 15x Rare Boosts |
Hour 11 | 100,000 Coins (2) | 8x Any Scarfs (3) | 6x Any Hats (5) | 1 Elite Freeze Player (15) | 2x Cold Points |
Hour 12 | 150x Common Boosts (3) | 150x TOTW Points (3) | 75x Cold Points (1) | 75x Legendary Boosts (15) | 20,000 Coins |
Hour 13 | 15x Hot Points (5) | 100,000 XPs (3) | 1 Snowman of the Match (6) | 500 Snowballs (10) | 1 Gold Freeze Player |
Hour 14 | 80x Rare Boosts (3) | 750x Snowballs (3) | 500,000 XPs (3) | 125x TOTW Points (10) | 15x Rare Boosts |
Hour 15 | 750x League Points (2) | 45x Any Button (2) | 600x Epic Boosts (2) | 600,000 Coins (10) | 25x Common Boosts |
Hour 16 | 15x Cold Points (5) | 50x Cold Points (3) | 4000 Snowballs (4) | 125x TOTW Points (10) | 25 Snowballs |
Hour 17 | 40x TOTW Points (5) | 300x Epic Boosts (4) | 75x Cold Points (1) | 200x Epic Boosts (15) | 2x Hot Points |
Hour 18 | 150x Common Boosts (3) | 750,000 Coins (3) | 6x Any Hats (5) | 6x Any Scarfs (10) | 5x TOTW Points |
Hour 19 | 4x Gold Freeze Players (1) | 100x Legendary Boosts (4) | 500,000 XPs (3) | 1 Elite Freeze Player (15) | 25x Common Boosts |
Hour 20 | 150x Snowballs (3) | 50x Cold Points (3) | 4000 Snowballs (4) | 600,000 Coins (10) | 100x League Points |
Hour 21 | 150x Scouting Points (6) | 150x TOTW Points (3) | 250x Legendary Boosts (2) | 75x Legendary Boosts (15) | 5x TOTW Points |
Hour 22 | 40x TOTW Points (5) | 2x Elite Freeze Players (4) | 600x Epic Boosts (2) | 75,000 XPs (10) | 20,000 Coins |
Hour 23 | 15x Cold Points (5) | 50x Hot Points (3) | 1 Frozen Star (5) | 30x Any Buttons (8) | 20x Scouting Points |
Hour 24 | 100,000 Coins (2) | 100,000 XPs (3) | 5,000,000 Coins (5) | 500 Snowballs (10) | 2x Cold Points |
Hour 25 | 40x TOTW Points (5) | 750,000 Coins (3) | 1 Icon Player (5) | 200x Epic Boosts (15) | 20x Scouting Points |
Hour 26 | 15x Hot Points (5) | 8x Any Scarfs (3) | 4000 Snowballs (4) | 75,000 XPs (10) | 100x League Points |
Hour 27 | 750x League Points (2) | 45x Any Button (2) | 250x Legendary Boosts (2) | 600,000 Coins (10) | 1 Gold Freeze Player |
Hour 28 | 15x Any Buttons (3) | 750x Snowballs (3) | 75x Cold Points (1) | 500 Snowballs (10) | 25x Common Boosts |
Hour 29 | 4x Gold Freeze Players (1) | 100x Legendary Boosts (4) | 75x Hot Points (1) | 30x Any Buttons (8) | 15x Rare Boosts |
Hour 30 | 150x Common Boosts (3) | 150x TOTW Points (3) | 600x Epic Boosts (2) | 1 Elite Freeze Player (15) | 2x Hot Points |
Hour 31 | 80x Rare Boosts (3) | 50x Hot Points (3) | 6x Any Hats (5) | 6x Any Scarfs (10) | 20x Scouting Points |
Hour 32 | 150x Common Boosts (3) | 300x Epic Boosts (4) | 1 Snowman of the Match (6) | 75x Legendary Boosts (15) | 2x Hot Points |
Hour 33 | 150x Scouting Points (6) | 8x Any Scarfs (3) | 500,000 XPs (3) | 200x Epic Boosts (15) | 1 Gold Freeze Player |
Hour 34 | 15x Hot Points (5) | 100x Legendary Boosts (4) | 1 Icon Player (5) | 125x TOTW Points (10) | 20,000 Coins |
Hour 35 | 100,000 Coins (2) | 45x Any Button (2) | 75x Hot Points (1) | 30x Any Buttons (8) | 2x Cold Points |
Hour 36 | 150x Snowballs (3) | 2x Elite Freeze Players (4) | 1 Frozen Star (5) | 75,000 XPs (10) | 5x TOTW Points |
Hour 37 | 15x Cold Points (5) | 50x Cold Points (3) | 600x Epic Boosts (2) | 200x Epic Boosts (15) | 25 Snowballs |
Hour 38 | 4x Gold Freeze Players (1) | 8x Any Scarfs (3) | 75x Cold Points (1) | 500 Snowballs (10) | 2x Hot Points |
Hour 39 | 15x Hot Points (5) | 100,000 XPs (3) | 5,000,000 Coins (5) | 125x TOTW Points (10) | 100x League Points |
Hour 40 | 40x TOTW Points (5) | 2x Elite Freeze Players (4) | 6x Any Hats (5) | 30x Any Buttons (8) | 25x Common Boosts |
Hour 41 | 750x League Points (2) | 150x TOTW Points (3) | 1 Frozen Star (5) | 6x Any Scarfs (10) | 20x Scouting Points |
Hour 42 | 15x Any Buttons (3) | 300x Epic Boosts (4) | 20x Any Scarfs (3) | 600,000 Coins (10) | 15x Rare Boosts |
Hour 43 | 80x Rare Boosts (3) | 750x Snowballs (3) | 250x Legendary Boosts (2) | 75x Legendary Boosts (15) | 25 Snowballs |
Hour 44 | 4x Gold Freeze Players (1) | 100x Legendary Boosts (4) | 75x Hot Points (1) | 75,000 XPs (10) | 2x Cold Points |
Hour 45 | 150x Scouting Points (6) | 750,000 Coins (3) | 1 Icon Player (5) | 1 Elite Freeze Player (15) | 20,000 Coins |
Hour 46 | 80x Rare Boosts (3) | 2x Elite Freeze Players (4) | 6x Any Hats (5) | 6x Any Scarfs (10) | 100x League Points |
Hour 47 | 150x Snowballs (3) | 45x Any Button (2) | 5,000,000 Coins (5) | 75x Legendary Boosts (15) | 15x Rare Boosts |
Hour 48 | 100,000 Coins (2) | 50x Hot Points (3) | 1 Snowman of the Match (6) | 600,000 Coins (10) | 1 Gold Freeze Player |
Frozen Gifts and Holiday Calendar is a part of Football Freeze event on FIFA Mobile.
When I redeem frozen gifts, I receive bonus gifts as well. How can I redeem them?
Check on the right side of Master Gift Offers.
Will today all the gifts you already earned be deleted as in the news channel it is written?
I have a doubt how to we get snowball points.
You can get it by buying packs at the store
Fucking useless why put *confirmed* on last day like it’s sure thing
Because it was confirmed by official EA account on twitter. And… it really happened.
Please research first and use your brain before cursing with your big mouth..moron!
What do you do if you have extra gifts and can’t use them? Is there any hope? 🙂
I don’t think so.. the extra points will be wasted. EA has been like this for years.
I was just introduced to this site. And I really love it. Thank you for the your hard work and all of the help. Greatly appreciated
Will Diego Costa come back
Yes, there is 20% chance he will appear. Please check the latest table
What are the gifts for today?
On 6 th january will be any prize or all gifts ends all on 5 th?
just like on the table above
Brother any guesses on remaining master frozen gifts . I have 31 master gifts stacked up right now. I am screwed if there won’t be another 94 master . I need pique , will he be available .
unfortunately, we don’t know about it.
What happened on last frozen gifts day of previous season ?
You can check here https://www.fifamobileguide.com/frozen-gifts#Archive_FIFA_Mobile_19, there are no limit offers. But we can’t guarantee this year will be the same
Thanks mate.
And really appreciate the effort you put in here for people.
I know this was asked yesterday , but does anyone know if pique will be offered again in frozen gifts?
I need an advice!
I have 197 gold points and 68 elite points. What do you say what should i do use now or wait for the last day offer??
I’m waiting for pique.will he come again?
Yes, there is 20% chance he will appear. Please check the latest table
I want to know pique.will he come again?
I received gifts, but how do I redeem the rewards from them?
use it on the offers
So after 31st Deember there will be no Master gift available?
There will be Master Gifs but I don’t know what the gifts that will replace LLR Points.
Hi guys,
How it’s possible that EA gives 100 LLR Points to us on Jan 2nd when LLR event ends on Jan 1st at 20:00 CET ???
Thanks for reminder, I have fixed. There is a pattern for rewards on gold and bonus offers.
What does Foil mean? I see it after the names of players
that’s premium version (animated).
Do you have the list for last day? 1st of Jan 19
What would be the master gift offer for 1st Jan i.e. the very last offer of the event?
Do you have the list for 30th and 31st??
Jz need to know the gift offers for DEC 30 to Jan 1…
Lots of gift remaining…a pre list will help well…reply ASAP…thanks dude
Unfortunately we don’t have the list of remaining gifts
Please share the list from 29 december th to end of season of freeze event ,till now list is perfect up to 28th December ,any chance for 4000 snowball via master or 750 snowball via bonus or 700 snowball via elit gift in between 29th to 2 nd January…Please share the remaining days gift list.29th December to 2nd jan
Unfortunately we don’t have the list of remaining gifts
Post the list of frozen gift from 28/12/2018 until it finished please, i need it and i hope you can post it ASAP. Thank you
Sorry bro ane ga ada list untuk next offer. Tidak ada official list dan tidak ada bocoran terbaru juga
Admin pls post the list of frozen gift after the hourly reset 28/12/2018
if u already have it..ur were really appreciated if u can do it..thank you very much
What will happen after 27. December.. I have 4 master gifts now and I can not use them..
You can use it on normal offers
Do u have the schedule for this event after 26th of dec?
No, I don’t have it
what will be the frozen gift offers after the 27th?
We don’t know yet
How is the bonus point conversion?
For GOLD, ELITE,MASTER GIFT OFFER.. until when we can use them? Even after Christmas day?
N for Bonus n Free Gift, is there only can claim on Christmas day or also can claim the events finished?
Thanks 🙏
Until event finished I believe
Do you think you have before the 25th of December the possible rewards of the Bonus Gifts?
I have added it. You can check it now
could you please give a link i cant find the info about bonus gifts, thx
Is there any chances that we will get hot or cold points from bonus gift?
Yes, sure. Please check the latest Frozen Gift Offers update
is it going to be another 2 days hourly gifts offer at the end of this event or not ?
No, just daily refresh until the end.
What are the hats used for?
You can redeem for rewards in Snowmen Chapter
How did you get hats
Do you happen to have last year’s Frozen Gift offer list or an archived version of it?
I have deleted it
Hey do u have proper list of this gift? I mean like schedule of the gift..
What we will get tomorrow n then..
It much easy for us to keep use the right gift to redeem.. as im f2p
Sorry, I don’t have it
1 St gift time was 12.30am on IST Every one hour the gift came on above table order
Is it possible to get the 840 cheer points to get to Sanchez without buying a lot of packs?
Alexis Sanchez is not possible for f2p (free to play) players, unless we buy him when he tradeable on the market
Why don’t you complete the hourly rewards. Cant you tell us all. And th daily frozen rewards from Dec(26) to Jan(1) .
I have completed it. Sorry for the delay, I need to sleep :v
Thx men, very useful
Hi guys,
What do you think? Will be another Chance to get rivalry points from – Frozen gifts > bonus offer? I have some Bonus gift points but dont know if should I Wait or not.