Market is one of the most important elements in the FIFA Mobile game, and also one of its advantages over others because this market feature is rarely found in other football-themed games.
Market is the best place to speed up squad upgrades by transferring (buying and selling) players.

In this article, we will explain in detail how the market in FIFA Mobile works, and the various coin making methods that you can use in the market to make profits.
This is the market system for previous seasons. Please click here for the latest FIFA Mobile Market system.
Table of Contents
How does FIFA Mobile market works?
The most basic thing you should know about FIFA Mobile market is, this market is not an open market. The market is regulated by market bot who act as a middle-man or broker.
So, the cards that you sell will not be visible to other users (buyers), and cards that are sell by other users cannot be seen by you either.
You as a buyer:
The cards you see in the market are cards sold by market bot. When you buy a card, the market bot will look at the listing queue and buy one of the cheapest cards, to replace the card you bought.
You as a seller:
When you sell a card, your card is listed in the queue with other sellers selling the same card. When a buyer buys the same type of card you are selling, the market bot will see a listing queue and pick up the one that is the cheapest. If your card is the cheapest among the other sellers in the queue, your card will be sold. But if not, then your card will have to wait again in the listing queue until all cards cheaper than yours in the queue are triggered by buyers and sold.
That is why many beginners in the market are confused about why their card is not sold even though it has cheaper price than the others in the market. The reason is because:
- There are no buyers who buy the same card in the market, so your card is not triggered. Or;
- There are buyers who buy the same card in the market, but your card is not the cheapest in the listing queue. In other words, cards from other sellers are triggered, not yours.
Keep in mind, you can’t see the cards that are being sold by other sellers, so you can never tell if your card is the cheapest or not in the listing queue (at least until your card is sold).
Start Price: The starting price of a card in the market. The start price is the price at which the market bot buys the card from the seller.
Current BID: The highest bid of a card at real time (live). This is where the bid war between buyers occurs.
Buy Now (BIN): The highest price for a card. You can buy and own the card right away (without having to bid) if you are willing to buy it at this price.
The Law of Supply and Demand in the real world is also applied to the FIFA Mobile market. The more supply a card is, the cheaper it will be (you can see it on the new event cards). And the less the supply of a card, the more expensive the price (you can see it on rare cards such as exclusive cards that can only be purchased from the store).
This Law of Supply and Demand can also be seen when there are events that require certain cards (such as the SBC event). Cards that are required at SBC events usually bounce in price because demand is much greater than supply.

How to unlock market
At the start of the season, the market is not automatically accessible. To unlock it, you must complete the Academy to Expert level (by claiming Ødegaard).
After completing the Academy, you can open the market by clicking market menu on the left of the screen.
How to Buy Players
To buy players, go to ‘Market‘, then click ‘Search‘ button.

In the search filter, you can filter the players you want to buy by name, OVR, league, position, price, and so on. When you’re done, click the ‘Search‘ button and players that match your filter will be shown where you can buy them.

How to Sell Players
To sell players, go to ‘Market‘, then click ‘Sell‘ button.

In the Sell Items page, drag and drop player that you want to sell. After that, set the maximum and minimum price, choose the listing duration (4, 8, 12, or 24 hours), then click ‘Post Item’.

You can also activate ‘Suggested Price‘ toggle if you want to autofill selling prices based on suggestions from the bot.
Market servers
There are 3 servers in FIFA Mobile market. This was done by EA to reduce coins selling practices.
To differentiate between them, users use the terms M1 (market 1), M2 (market 2), and M3 (market 3). In my country, people call it server A, server B, and server C.
Your account will automatically be on one of the servers and you cannot change it. Your account can only switch servers during the reset season (may or may not). I know this because I have several accounts, and during the reset season some of my accounts stayed on the same server, and some moved to another server.
Want to know which market you are in? Check the highest price of players below :
De Gea UCL

Hazard Freeze

C. Ronaldo TOTY

Market refresh time
Market on FIFA Mobile refreshes every 5 minutes (it could be a few seconds more or a few seconds less).
This is especially important if you want to buy players with sniping technique, because you know the exact time to refresh, you can buy new cards on the listing faster than other buyers.
Market Perk
In FIFA Mobile market, you will be charged 5% tax every time your card is sold. This tax will be removed when you reach VIP level 10.
Check our market tax calculator to calculate your after-tax earnings.
In our opinion, this Market Perk is the only reward that is useful in VIP, especially for f2p (free to play) players.
How to get coins in FIFA Mobile
You can get coins just from playing events, completing daily quests, or opening free packs in the store. But the fastest, most effective, and most impactful method is trading in the market. There are many methods to earn coins in the market, and we will discuss them in detail below.
Coin is one of the most important parts of FIFA Mobile, because you need it to upgrade your squad, train players, buy players, upgrade skill boosts, buy coin packs, upgrade Rank Up (RU), and so on. Now that you know how the market works, it is time for you to know the various methods to earn coins in FIFA Mobile.
Playing the Game (What EA want you to do)
Collecting coins by playing in-game events is the most normal, classic, and should be a priority in a game. And this is what EA wants you to do.
Ironically, this coin making method is no longer effective because the coin reward at events is now getting smaller and smaller. I’ve been playing FIFA Mobile games since this game called FIFA Ultimate Team (Rooney & Messi covers), so I feel those changes.
Sniping is buying a cheap card that just dropped and resell it at a higher price.
If you have a fast internet connection, sniping can be a profitable method of making coins.
You just have to find out when the market refresh occurs, then get ready to snipe about 5 minutes later when the next refresh occurs.
To snipe effectively, refresh the market by searching for the card again (using search filter button), or exit to the main screen, then re-enter the market. This method is faster to refresh the market than using the refresh button (because the refresh button often displays the cache of the old cards and is rather slow to display the new cards).
Some examples of cards that are often snipped by users include elite cards (80+ OVR ratings) for under 50k, master cards (90+ OVR ratings) for under 500k, and many others.
By bidding, you can get a card at a lower price because you don’t buy them at the highest price (BIN). Then you can sell it back for a profit.
Even though it seems simple, getting a significant profit from bidding is not easy. The profit is quite small because you are competing with other users to win the bid (commonly known as the bid war). The more users who take part in the bid war, the smaller the profit margin.
Bidding is also quite tiring because you have to be online when the card expires to make sure you win the bid.
Warning: This method violates the EA TOS, so I am just explaining it as knowledge only.
Flipping is selling cards at a price cap one level above the lowest price in the market, then buying the lowest priced cards to trigger the bot to buy the cards we sold earlier. Once successful, we sell the cards again with a price cap one level higher, then buy all the cards in the market that are the cheapest. And so on.
So, flipping is basically creating a fake demand for the bot to buy our cards.
Warning: This method also violates the EA TOS, so I’m just explaining it here as knowledge only.
Almost the same as flipping, but manipulation is more difficult. Only experienced users in the market can do this. If done properly, the profits from manipulation can be very high. If not done properly, you could potentially go bankrupt.
If flipping increases the price gradually and carries out the buying and selling process many times, manipulation raises the price to the highest level by buying all the cards until they run out. Cards that are bought are only sold later when the price is very high.
The most crucial thing about manipulation is choosing the right card, and the trick of selling the card at the highest price.
Since this violates the EA TOS, I won’t go into more detail. If you are a market enthusiast, please find the trick yourself.
This is a method that is popular lately and is widely used by beginners. This is very natural because fishing is the easiest (and most tiring) method of all the coin making methods I have described above.
The fishing method is to buy a large number of base cards at a low price (usually silver cards for under 1k, 2k, or 5k). After that, every day we check the auto suggestion of these cards. If there are cards whose price goes up, they can be sold for a profit. Just like that.
Fishing can be successful mostly due to flipping or manipulation by other users in the market. So when there are users flipping/manipulating to increase the price of a card, the player who is fishing makes a profit by selling the same card.
If someone says fishing occurs because of an unstable market (for which there is no logical explanation why it could happen), or card prices fluctuate because EA is designed that way, don’t believe it, even if the one who says it is a fishing expert. He clearly doesn’t know how the market works, and clearly has no experience in flipping or manipulation so it doesn’t make sense to him.
This last method is actually one of the most profitable (and in my opinion the most elegant), but it is less desirable because it requires patience and a good market analysis.
The investment method is that we buy cards when the price is the cheapest (usually cards from new events) then sell them later when the price has gone up.
Investing requires patience because it can takes 1 week, 2 weeks, or even more than a month to get a profit.
Investing also requires good analysis to predict which cards are likely to increase in price and which cards have the highest possible profit. Not only that, investing also requires a good analysis so that we don’t get stuck investing on the wrong cards and lose money.
Every season, investing is getting more difficult because EA continues to reduce the supply of coins in events (which makes users purchasing power decrease) and making unpredictable policies such as ‘Make it Good’ compensation.
By reducing the supply of coins in events (and replacing them with rewards in the form of new cards), market prices will remain low as new cards with better OVR and stats continue to flood the market.
The price of new cards will remain cheap as the majority of users get and sell them at the same time, which makes the supply abundant. This makes old cards (whose OVR ratings and stats are not as good as those of new cards) are hard to increase in price.
Is investment dead? Not yet. This coin making method is still very effective and promising, but you have to be smarter and more hard working than in previous seasons.
That’s a guide on how the market in FIFA Mobile works, and the various coin-making methods you can use (choose which doesn’t violate EA’s TOS of course;)).
Hopefully with this guide you will no longer be confused about how the FIFA Mobile market works and can transfer (buying and selling) cards effectively. If you have any questions about FIFA Mobile market, please post them in the comment below.
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